New Product: Bird Deterrent Accessory

life @jameslfranklin wait until it builds a nest on top :wink:


This is where a Nerf gun will come in handy.

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You might be able to replace at least some of the wires with slightly longer ones that have a bit more of an angle in. That would reduce the landing zone size.

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@storm_tracker Here is a better view like what you originally asked for with a close up photo between the Field Test and Production Tempests. I have my Tempests temporary offline due to repainting the mounting poles. Currently in the process of building a nice weather station array for all three weather stations plus CoCoRaHS Stratus Gauge. Great progress today and hoping to have everything in the ground by tomorrow evening. Will post the finished photo of the array in the Tempest Installation thread when everything is complete.

One thing I noticed with my units is the Field Test unit is slightly taller. Very easy to see when you look at the floor of the wind gap. Somehow I missed this minor detail when I first compared the two units after receiving the production Tempest.


Okay K.J. . . .nice image. Mine looks exactly like that. . .but ST-7764 (injured Tempest) is from the beta batch from January so it does not have the blue markers on it. The markers are etched in, but they are just plain like this.


P.S. will be getting ST-7764 boxed up late this evening and ready to ship back to WF’s Mica Plex tomorrow. Thanks for the “well wish speedy recover” you sent earlier.


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I miss my Tempest…I hope it gets well soon.


Now it has some structure to support some twigs to build its nest :wink:

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Yep, my 7700 series Field Test unit had no blue logos either. I had it from January to March then it was replaced with the current 0500 series unit.

perhaps it is a good idea to mount the spikes so there isn’t a spike exactly on the south side of the unit. At noon the UV calibration parameters are using the measured values and surely you don’t want any shadow from the spikes hitting the UV window. Its not a problem when you live near the equator, but at some latitude it could be.

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Usps is acting a fool. Been in town for 3 days and still no delivery… rant off

There is no 7700 or 0500 series units. The serial numbers are totally random when placed on devices.


Read up on why the USPS has been purposefully slowed down lately.

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When I was tracking my Tempest for delivery. It arranged in my local post office at 1:40 am on Friday. USPS said it would be delivered on Friday before 8 pm. I received it on Monday afternoon.

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The USPS is running behind across the nation. It took 3 days to receive mine. The USPS delivered my packaged on a Friday night at 8:30PM.

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I was referring the series term as serial number for short or series of numbers since I am too lazy enough to look the last two digits of the number. Takes me too long to look up stuff while trying to focus on other stuff. My apologies for misleading anyone if they thought I meant series as in a series run. This 70’s kid can’t multitask too well. :rofl:

Whilst looking at various sensors for the Raspberry Pi / ESP’s for some tinkering, I came across the light & proximity sensor LTR-559ALS-01. Occurred to me that if Weatherflow add a proximity sensor to the top of the next version of Tempest, then they can use that to eliminate false rain readings - as there should never be anything immediately above it in usual conditions, so when there is and its “raining”, it is likely a bird. A bit belts and braces, but could be an interesting option :slight_smile:

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They could also have lasers attached to the rain spikes, which would be pretty cool to see when they detected motion, as long as the streams aren’t allowed to cross !!!


You 70’s kids have nothing on us 50’s kids. I just don’t people worrying that they might have a bid unit because their serial number is close to other’s serial number on defective units. That two defective units both have serial number in the 77XX range is pure coincidence.

And I really likey I your Davis weather station. I want to copy that.


@GaryFunk If you need measurements just let me know. Really easy to build.

I can interpellate the measurements from the size of the Tempest.