Stopped Receiving Rain Notifications

We haven’t had rain here in the area for several weeks and I realized that a couple of days ago we had rain overnight. I saw that the Tempest registered the rain, but I never received a notification. We also had .80” yesterday and another .02 today and I never received any notification. I’ve verified that the notification settings have not changed. Has anyone else seen this after the last update?

I just looked at my Tempest message logs, and noticed that it has also not sent rain start alerts in a month now. We’ve had a dry month for rain though, and most of the snow as expected was not recorded. It did record 0.02" of (freezing) rain today, though. Have you opened a support ticket yet???

Same here. We had some snow that didn’t register. The same for freezing rain earlier in the month. I never received a notification for that or the rain in the past two days.

I have not opened a ticket on this issue. I am glad though that I am not the only one who this is affecting. I was afraid it was something wrong with my specific system.

You are all lucky. In my area we have not had rain for 167 days. It rained yesterday and I can confirm I got data for the first time.
It all seems to work well.

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I just opened a support ticket, since I recall the back-end server failing to send rain start notifications in the past.

FYI, the ticket system said that all employees are away this week at a conference. The big AMS conference was a few weeks ago, so I’m guessing that it’s an all-hands corporate cruise like they did several years ago…

I’ve been wondering about this as well. We had our first rain event in the US northwest since I set my new Tempest up a week ago, and it did record the rainfall but never sent me a notification despite having alerts turned on. I was kind of looking forward to seeing it work; was wondering if I needed to ping support. Guess it’s kind of a widespread issue.

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I can confirm also. Not a single rain alert on my Android phone that it was raining out yesterday and we got 1.13 inches of rain based on my Tempest numbers.

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I will let everyone here know when support responds to my ticket, I suspect on Monday…

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Just received a response from support (on a Sunday!). They are working on a problem with rain/lightning alerts and lightning distance graphs.

I will update this thread as I receive additional information…


Thanks for opening the ticket and providing an update. Hopefully the issue is resolved soon.


I received a support system “kiss-off” survey email, so I suspect that my ticket was closed and I will not be receiving further updates to post here…

They closed it? They didn’t give you any resolution or status?

Just what I already posted above, that they are working on a problem with rain/lightning alerts and lightning distance graphs:

Just to note: I just received my first ever rain alert haha. So looks like the alerts are getting fixed :+1:.


It figures that we’re getting snow/sleet/rain this morning, and I can’t see if the alerts are being sent because my home firewall/router fried itself yesterday and my Hub and everything else is offline until the replacement arrives today… :man_facepalming:

Man, that sucks. Luckily for me we are supposed to have some rain on Saturday, so hopefully I can verify that the alerts are now working again.

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I started getting rain event notices yesterday, too.

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